The collaboration between Street Space Knowle, Olas Art, the young participants, the policing team at Broadbury Road Police Station and Weaver Demolition has yielded a series of colourful works of art, and has not only added visual appeal to the surroundings but has also served a deeper purpose.
Street Space Knowle is focussed on promoting youth engagement, personal development, and creating opportunities for young people to thrive in their community. This project was aimed at breaking down barriers between local young people and the police. The initiative served as an opportunity to foster positive relationships in a fun and engaging manner. Their collective effort, underpinned by the support of local artist Nick and PC Brady of Broadbury Road Police Station, highlights the strength of community initiatives in strengthening connections and building trust.
Heidi from Street Space Knowle said: “We are keen to break down barriers between local young people and the police. This local community project has really helped with this and allowed the young people to work with the police while having fun. This has been a super positive project’.”
Weaver Demolition recently worked at the Broadbury Road Police site, demolishing the old custody suite, and we were delighted to be invited to support this youth initiative.
“It was great to attend and see how engaged the young people were and hear how Street Space Knowle and the local Police Neighbourhood Team work together to build trusted, positive relationships between the young people and the local police.” Said Jonny Weaver of Weaver Demolition.
Beyond the creative endeavour, the collaboration also stands as a testament to the ongoing efforts to revitalise the Broadbury Road Police Station. As the site undergoes refurbishment and modernisation, it is poised to become a hub for effective policing services, equipping Avon and Somerset Police with the facilities needed to ensure the safety and well-being of the South Bristol community. The active involvement of local entities in initiatives such as these underlines the collective dedication to shaping a more connected and inclusive community.
For Weaver Demolition, the key to successful community involvement lies in actively participating in initiatives that help foster positive change. We are commitment to putting something back into the local areas in which we operate, and the company remains dedicated to supporting projects that align with its values of environmental sustainability, community engagement, and social responsibility.
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